4 Minutes is a National First Aid and Safety Training Company. It uses a Network of experienced Trainers to deliver First Aid and Health & Safety courses across the United Kingdom. Trainers are chosen for their practical experience as well as qualifications, so if you go on one of our courses you are being taught by someone who has real life experience of the subject, not just a theoretical knowledge of the syllabus. It was established by Andy Crowhurst in 2012. Andy has been working for himself since 1997.
Andy joined the British Red Cross in 1988 and worked his way up, ending up as an Ambulance Aider and First Aid Trainer – both for fellow volunteers and also Adult Education classes. Following that, he became a Community Responder, which exposed him to a whole new variety of situations and skills.
In 2017 Andy was joined by Cheryl Mathews, a fellow Community Responder and between them, they bought another Training Company (The National School of First Aid Training) to expand 4 Minutes’ client base. Since then it has gone from strength to strength. Cheryl stepped down in 2020.
In 2019 Andy acquired Ladybird First Aid and is gradually integrating it into 4 Minutes….
In 2020 Andy set up Cascade First Aid with another First Aid Trainer, Becky. It is based in South Wales and has a more Outdoors theme to it. Andy runs the Business side, Becky runs the courses.
In 2022 4 Minutes moved to Bray Business Centre, a picturesque location on the side of the Thames.
In 2023, it had its Outdoor courses (Forest School First Aid and 1 & 2 day Outdoor First Aid) aligned with the Institute for Outdoor Learning’s Statement of Good Practice for Outdoor First Aid
2024? – watch this space….

First Aid is a practical skill and there is a strong practical element to the courses with plenty of time to practice and ask questions. Andy and his trainers often practice what they teach so have plenty of practical experience and are not approaching it from a theoretical or historic viewpoint. Some Training Organisations use tutors that don’t have direct practical experience, but do know how to click on to the next Powerpoint slide.
4 Minutes First Aid Training has the following ethos:-
- First Aid is a practical skill, therefore expect plenty of hands-on practice
- Don’t expect a rigid adherence to the syllabus. Although the syllabus will be covered, questions are welcome and the discussion will wander off-topic if appropriate and interesting
- Everyone ought to know the basics of First Aid and 4 Minutes will do its best to get the message across
About 4 Minutes
- 4 Minutes Training is a Private Ltd Company owned by Andy Crowhurst. It is Registered at Companies House, Registration Number 10527555
- To contact 4 Minutes, call 01628 56 99 22 or use the Contact Form.
- All training and certification courses offered by 4 Minutes meet or exceed the standards mandated by the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), the UK Resuscitation Council, and the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR).
Complaints Procedure
- All complaints must be put in writing to 4 Minutes
- Complaints will be acknowledged, investigated and the complainant will receive a written reply.
- 4 Minutes will endeavour to reply within fifteen (15) working days, however the time needed to investigate the complaint may mean that a response is delayed.
- If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, then 4 Minutes would be happy to meet in a neutral location to discuss the issue further or you can escalate it to our Awarding Organisation as per our Policy.
Policies and Procedures
Our public Policies and Procedures can be found by clicking here