Family First Aid courses are aimed at looking after close relatives, whether that is elderly relatives needing support or grandparents babysitting grandchildren.
First aid is not difficult to learn or deliver and this course follows through from immediately life threatening conditions like cardiac arrest to less urgent problems like minor injuries. You never know when something could happen to someone in your family, so learning now will prepare you to deal with an emergency situation should it arise.
Coffee and CPR
Come and learn the essentials of First Aid in a friendly group of likeminded people. There is NO exam and NO obligation to participate – If you just want to watch, that is fine, although practising will give you the best opportunity to learn. This course makes up the first two hours of the Family First Aid course and they are both run in parallel. You may upgrade on the day if you wish.
Click here for course details
Family First Aid
This is a short 3 hour course for anyone looking to be able to provide First Aid in the family environment. It covers dealing with child and adult problems (from febrile convulsions to heart attacks and strokes amongst other things). It is a good general purpose First Aid course allowing any family member to deal with issues occurring with all family members
First aid is not difficult to learn or deliver and this course follows through from immediately life threatening conditions like cardiac arrest to less urgent problems like minor injuries. You never know when something could happen to someone in your family, so learning now will prepare you to deal with an emergency situation should it arise.
The course aims are to give an understanding of the needs of a family. It covers primary and secondary care skills for adults, infants and children. Knowing what to do in an emergency is an excellent life skill to learn and the course covers many subjects that you may come across.
Click here for course details
Pet First Aid
Want to know how to deal with a poorly pet? Learn the basics with our online course.
Click here for more details