
Trainers that have been with 4 Minutes a while know that the learner packs used to be quite chunky and we required the return of them after each course at the trainer’s expense.

Since moving to Airtable to manage our courses and stock with trainers and since working to reduce physical paperwork required, we are now working quite efficiently. We are also working with fewer Trainers.

Current practice

Currently we are sending out Learner packs for each course. If you do not have a full complement on your course we expect you to keep the manuals and packs safe, and we will top up the levels next time. Saves you the costs of returning them.


All Trainers are expected to print out the paperwork they need and upload completed paperwork after the end of the course. This will leave just the manuals for us to send out / top up.

Every Trainer will have their own link to their Manual stockholding. You should reconcile this with what you physically have and let us know of any discrepancies. Please keep the Manuals safe and away from damp and cigarette smoke.

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