As a Freelance Trainer, booked for a course you agree to these Conditions of Booking. Acceptance of the Booking is acceptance of these Conditions. If you wish to discuss any, please do so at the time of Booking.

Pre course

Acceptance of job: Please email within 24 hours of receiving the Job Specification Letter (or as soon as reasonably possible if your circumstances change) if you spot any errors or cannot complete the contract. Failure to do so within this period could render yourself liable for any consequential costs incurred by 4 Minutes.

Details of employment: You will be employed by 4 Minutes for the duration of the event as a freelance or self-employed trainer and/or assessor, under the guidance and management of 4 Minutes to the exclusion of all others.

Daily rate and other rewards: Your agreed fee as detailed in your Job Specification Letter includes the following:

  • delivery and assessment of the course as specified in line with your employment conditions
  • all your transport costs to and from the venue
  • use of your first aid training equipment including all consumables ( e.g. medical gloves, training faceshields)
  • return postage (recorded where required) of Course materials (completed forms, uncompleted forms, unused handouts, manuals and fobs etc.) back to 4 Minutes by request (we are being proactive in eliminating return postage costs, however)
  • storage in a clean, dry, smoke-free environment of all course materials, including unused manuals for future courses
  • any reasonable future requirement made by 4 Minutes in respect of this course e.g. IQA / EQA administration.

Any other reward or expense such as local accommodation is to be agreed in writing in advance with 4 Minutes and will be detailed in your Job Specification letter.

Policies and Procedures: It is vital that you familiarise yourself with all relevant administration including the Policies, Procedures and reporting forms of 4 Minutes and the Awarding Organisation and how you and the candidates can access them.

Schemes of work, lesson plans and teaching timelines: Only use those that have been produced by the Awarding Organisation or supplied / approved by 4 Minutes for each course. If you need anything, just ask.

Course materials: Course paperwork, manuals and learner freebies will either be sent to you by recorded mail from 4 Minutes or you will be printing them yourself. If you have not received the manuals and administration 7 days prior to the course, please notify us immediately.

Theft of Client: Any attempt to ‘poach’ for work or business during or after your contract with 4 Minutes Limited, including information gained or offered (directly or indirectly) may result in legal action being taken against you, reporting to relevant authorities, information sharing with any other employing organisations that we choose and withholding of any payments due to you from 4 Minutes.

Logos: There must be absolutely NO reference made in any way about any other training providers to any candidate, venue owner, course organiser or any other person or organisation connected to the course you have been employed to deliver on behalf of 4 Minutes Training Limited. If you are using your own training resources you MUST remove all logos with the exception of 4 Minutes Training Limited and/or the appropriate awarding body logos.

During course

Arrival: Leave enough time to set up and liaise with the Organiser before the course starts. You should be set up and ready to go at least 15-30 minutes before the scheduled start. Familiarise yourself with the layout and nearest fire exits, First Aid Kits and Defibrillators.

Venue: Carry out a dynamic Risk Assessment before the course commences to ensure that the venue is fit for purpose and safe. Leave it clean and tidy at the end of the course. Risk Assessment Forms are available to download from Trainer Central.

Candidates: All Candidates are to have their identities verified by the method specified in the Booking letter. Ensure that candidate names are clear on their Registration Forms as this will be used for the Certificates. Clarify in block capitals on the Forms if necessary. Paper forms must be filled in with blue or black ink. Explain that the Complaints Procedure can be found on the 4 Minutes website.

Training methods: Training must follow Awarding Organisation guidelines, specifications and standards for the course you are delivering as well as any instructions given to you by 4 Minutes. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are up to date with these requirements in case of IQA/EQA visits

Assessing: Explain the Syllabus and Assessment methods to candidates. Assessments must follow Awarding Organisation guidelines, specifications and standards as well as specific 4 Minutes instructions. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are up to date with these requirements and standards in case of IQA/EQA visits. Please read the instructions on the Assessment Forms that provide guidance for Assessing – e.g. enter a ‘tick’ or identify topic assessed ‘SC’ for Scald for instance.

Paperwork: Complete or get the candidates to complete & sign all supplied paperwork as appropriate. Guidance for completion may be found on some paperwork but contact 4 Minutes should you be unsure of anything. Any paperwork subsequently found to be incomplete (e.g. missing candidate or trainer signature) is your responsibility to remedy/rectify at your own cost.

Marketing material and clothing: If you are supplied with marketing material by 4 Minutes Limited such as leaflets or business cards, please hand these out as instructed to the appropriate individual(s), candidates, venue and/or client(s). If you are given 4 Minutes branded clothing you must wear it unless it is damaged or dirty (in which case report back to 4 Minutes to arrange cleaning or replacement clothing)

Visits by 4 Minutes Assessors: As part of its IQA and to ensure that the above procedures are adhered to, 4 Minutes will periodically carry out IQA visits during a course. These may or may not be pre-announced. 4 Minutes may also use ‘secret shoppers’ on your course to aid itself in assessing.

ProTrainings requirements – please read

If you are delivering a ProTrainings course, they require you to confirm that you have met their standards. These are on the Course sheets, however completion of these sheets is now optional in their paperless push. If you choose to go paperless, you are not signing the course sheets that state you met the following criteria. By you completing the course and advising 4 Minutes that the course is complete you are also confirming to 4 Minutes for the Record that the following statements are true:

  • By passing learners on the below form I confirm that personal data has been processed in compliance with General Data Protection Regulations.
  • I confirm that all course/qualification details are fully completed and all practical components passed
  • I confirm that I have read and adhered to the qualification specification including minimum contact hours.
  • I confirm that I have checked identification for all learners on the course.
  • The Theory Assessment form is completed and signed (one per learner), the Learner Course Evaluation Forms (one per learner) and the Learner Registration form is completed and signed (one per learner).
  • If any learners were not successful, I have completed and uploaded a professional discussion sheet explaining why.
  • If this is a blended course, I confirm I have checked that all learners have completed the online course prior to completing their practical course.
  • I confirm that all students have completed and signed form 4 student registration and they have been uploaded to the class.
  • I confirm that I have followed the current government guidelines regarding Coronavirus.

These are verbatim from ProTrainings, some wording needs to be updated as it is not so relevant for paperless working. We will update if ProTrainings updates its wording.

Post course

We are working really hard to eliminate any paperwork and postage, apart from manuals and PR Fliers. Elsewhere on Trainer Central you can read how to deal with this. Generally speaking you won’t need to post anything back unless you cease to be a trainer for 4 Minutes, in which case you agree that you will return to 4 Minutes any unused manuals and materials at your own expense.

Paperwork: We no longer require paperwork to be posted back. If we do require paperwork copies, it can be scanned to PDF and emailed. Once we have confirmed receipt, you may destroy the original.

If you do have to post anything back, use this address and if it is completed paperwork, keep a copy until we confirm receipt – after when you can shred it. Use this address and no other.

Andy Crowhurst
3 Timbers Walk

Do not put the Company name, we have had delivery issues with using the Company name for delivery

Invoice: All invoices must be itemised and identify the course(s) invoiced for. They may be sent by email (preferred) or by post. We aim to pay correctly completed invoices within 10 working days of receipt of:

  1. Invoice and
  2. Correctly completed paperwork and
  3. All returned course materials (if applicable – see above).

Contact details and further information: If you have any questions or queries please contact us

Post-course feedback: After you have completed a course, we would appreciate notification (and clarification / documentation where applicable) of any of the following events:

  • you were not able to deliver the course in line with the agreed requirements
  • any adjustments that were made (supporting documentation required – see Trainer Central)
  • any issues with the venue (for future reference)
  • any accidents or near misses and, if so, confirmation that they were correctly dealt with and documented
  • any concerns or dissatisfaction from any student or organiser
  • any concerns or dissatisfaction about 4 Minutes’ organisation of the course (including from you)
  • any concerns or dissatisfaction about the Client or their treatment of you
  • suggestions for improvement

Cancellations and rescheduling

We have endeavoured to come to a reasonable compromise with cancellations as no-one likes this to happen. You are freelance and we don’t expect you to just roll over and accept nothing if a course is cancelled or postponed at the last minute. If you cannot accept the Terms that we have come up with, below, please let us know and we will remove you from our list of Trainers.


Cancellations may come from yourself, the client or from us.

If you think you are likely to have to cancel please get in touch as soon as possible. It is better to talk through it and come to a solution than for us and our client to be let down too late to do anything. If you can find someone to step in for you before you contact us that will certainly help your cause.

Cancellation by the client. These are the cancellation Terms that the Client abides by when Booking:

Notice Timescale from clientWhat we tell our clientsWhat this means for you
Over 4 weeksNo charge to cancelNo cancellation fee
10 working days – 4 weeks50% Booking fee chargedWe will pay you 50% of the baseline day rate
Less than 10 working days100% Booking fee chargedWe will pay you 100% of the baseline day rate

If we have to cancel then your fee will be based on the same scale as if a Client cancelled (above).

These rates only apply if you are in receipt of a Booking confirmation letter from us for the course that is about to be cancelled.


We allow Clients one Reschedule. It can happen for any of a number of reasons and we (and you) would like to keep them as clients. If they try and reschedule more than once then we will cancel the whole course with them. It does not help your schedule (leaving voids) and causes us extra effort – and it may well be that they keep rescheduling.

If a Client asks to reschedule we will discuss it with you with the aim of reaching a compromise. If we can reschedule with you we will charge the client a rescheduling fee of 50% of the cancellation charge rate as above and we will pay you an inconvenience rate as shown below over and above the fee that you will get when delivering on the revised date. In other words:

Notice Timescale from clientWhat we tell our clientsWhat this means for you
Over 4 weeksNo charge to rescheduleNo reschedule fee
10 working days – 4 weeks25% Booking fee chargedWe will pay you 25% of the baseline day rate
Less than 10 working days50% Booking fee chargedWe will pay you 50% of the baseline day rate

If we have to reschedule then your fee will be based on the same scale as if a Client had rescheduled.

If you cannot agree a revised date we will pay you the rate as above and then offer the course out to our other trainers.

These rates only apply if you are in receipt of a Booking confirmation letter from us for the course that is about to be rescheduled.

The Baseline Day Rate is £180 for a 6 hour course. It is prorated for different course durations. It is slightly less than our day rate as there will be expenses that you are no longer incurring such as consumables and travel.

4 Minutes tries to build up good working relationships with its clients and trainers. We hope that you have a problem-free course but if you do have any issues or suggestions at any time please do get in touch with us & help us improve.

Have a good course.

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