ProTranings is a Trade Body for our First Aid courses. It certifies our courses and provides the multiple choice question paperwork.

Current practice:

  • Pre-course
    • Booking confirmed- Booking letter emailed out
    • Course pack – manuals, assessment and learner paperwork sent out. If you already have a float, we send enough to top you up.
    • Learners added to the course ready for the online MCQs if at all possible.
  • Course day
    • You deliver the course, using the online MCQs where possible.
    • Some learners may need editing on the day (see here for notes on how to do this)
    • MCQ test taken and larked. Online (ideally) or paper-based (need to be marked by hand)
    • If any fail, explain why to them and complete a Professional Discussion sheet. Scan & upload it with the rest of the paperwork post-course.
  • Post-course
    • You email PDF scans of all completed paperwork back to us
    • We IQA it, upload to ProTrainings and issue the Certificates for those that passed to the client
    • You can destroy any physical paperwork once we advise you that IQA is good
    • You invoice us for the course delivery and once all paperwork is correct, invoice will be paid within 7 days

Procedure from 1st January 2024

  • Pre-course
    • Booking confirmed – Booking letter emailed out along with details (course ID, Centre ID) for the course assessment paperwork
    • Manuals sent out only if you need top-ups.
    • Learners added to the course ready for the online MCQs if at all possible.
    • You print out any course paperwork needed. Fill in the Course paperwork – Client, venue, your name. Include Course ID (supplied by us on your Booking confirmation, or you can get it from your dashboard) and 4 Minute’s centre no (91108). From the Dashboard you can also print out pre-filled learner sheets.
  • Course day
    • As before
  • Post-course
    • You scan all completed paperwork to PDF and upload directly to the ‘Course paperwork’ section for that course on your ProTrainings dashboard, rather than emailing to us. Let us know when done.
    • We IQA it and issue the Certificates for those that passed to the client.
    • You can destroy any physical paperwork once we advise you that IQA is good.
    • You invoice us for the course delivery plus £10 per course for the printing costs and any learner editing on the day. As long as we are happy with the paperwork IQA, invoice will be paid within 7 days


  • The only posting needed is for additional manuals to go out to you, so you do not have any return costs unless you are stopping delivering for us.
  • The online MCQs save you all the time of marking and feeding back during a course
  • More environmentally friendly – if you print and keep a float of course forms, none will go to waste if (say) we send out 12 sets and you only use 7

Changes for Internally Certified courses

For internally Certified courses, the process is roughly the same, but you do need to email us with PDFs of the Registration Forms and Assessment Forms. We don’t use MCQs and the feedback can be given online at

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