Everyone’s workplace is different. Some people trudge off to a cubicle each day, others spend their life in a vehicle of some sort. I’m typing this Blog in a Leisure Centre as I wait for one of my children to finish a swimming lesson.

Whatever you do, wherever you work there is the opportunity for an injury or a medical emergency. First Aid at Work courses are aimed at treating common problems in the workplace and, where possible, we try and run courses in our Clients’ Workplace environments.

Recently Aaron, one of our Trainers turned up to a course that was somewhat, well, remote.

It was a Woodland project in West Wales (Ceredigion) There was no mains power, everything ran off a generator. This sort of thing is just up Aaron’s street and everyone had a great time on the day. And they all passed….

If you want to know more about this Project, please do contact Ben at ben.dread@yahoo.co.uk