We expect our Trainers to use the online MCQ papers wherever possible, not the paper-based ones and we also expect you to upload completed paperwork to your ProTrainings Dashboard after the course. If you have to use paper MCQs you need to have stock, mark and then scan/upload the marked papers. Trust me, online is so much easier.

All forms can be downloaded here.

ProTrainings has not quite eliminated the Course assessment paperwork nor the need tor a Registration Form with a wet signature (but it is working on that).

See the advantages of carrying out the online MCQs here.

We do appreciate, however that some learners have non-smart ‘phones that don’t have Browsers and that there can be battery issues on the day or the location can have signal issues. Some learners even don’t have mobile ‘phones at all. There is not much we can do about any of that, although there are options such as using a spare laptop or tablet and using a ‘phone as a WiFi hotspot. Because of this please carry the following as a Plan ‘B’.

ProTrainings paperwork

Core – needed for each course

  • ProTrainings Learner Registration Form. You can download and print blank ones. ProTrainings also allows you to download and print pre-filled ones from your ProTrainings Dashboard. Your choice.
  • Course admin paperwork – 2 sheets. These will vary for each course type.

Core float – not usually needed, but if needed, hard copies to write on are required

  • Professional Discussion sheets
  • Reasonable adjustment Forms
  • Special Consideration Forms

Suggest 3-4 of each

Backups – in the event of a user or group not having online access

  • A complete set (x12) of printed MCQ questions and the Assessment sheet for the course in question *
  • A complete set (x 12) of blank MCQ answer sheets for the course in question *
  • A complete set (x12) evaluation forms

* One set for each type of course that you run for 4 Minutes – EFAW, FAW etc. Top up if you use any.

4 Minutes internal course paperwork

Core – needed for each course

  • Learner Registration – individual sheet or condensed (12 on one sheet for shorter courses)
  • Course Assessment sheet – specific to each course type
  • Feedback QR Code

Core float – not usually needed, but if needed, hard copies to write on are required

  • Professional Discussion sheets
  • Reasonable adjustment Forms – not yet available, use the Professional Discussion Sheet
  • Special Consideration Forms – not yet available, use the Professional Discussion Sheet

Suggest 3-4 of each

Backups – in the event of a user or group not having online access

  • A complete set (x12) evaluation form

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